Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Beyonce's Heat .... Leaves me cold

Hello readers... I am a bit disturbed by Miss Beyonce's commercial for her new fragrance "HEAT" Who is this commercial going to influence. Young Girls and young men.
Again, I find myself  wondering what is going on the world.
Beyonce' is a crazy beautiful sexy woman. I am not sure why she felt she had to get this raw to sell a fragrance. She is already a mega star. She would have sold just as much of the fragrance without showing so much of herself. Her breast is all out except the nipple.
The part where she pushes herself into the wall to make her breast jiggle is just plain uncalled for. I am a grown woman and I know that i could swim in a vat of this fragrance and it wouldn't make me anything like Beyonce'. 
A young mind may process this message very differently.
What are we teaching the these girls? The clothes they wear are already to skimpy!
My mother always said " Why by the cow, if you get the milk for free?"  It just seems as if there are boundaries anymore.
When is it going to be too much?
I am surprised because I always thought Beyonce' had morals.
The commercial has been banned from daytime TV in the UK and will be aired after 7:30 in the evening.... To me that is still to early, Kids are still up channel surfing at that time. 
Beyonce' is by no means the only one presenting a (in my opinion) a too sexy image, 
It is just so explicit these days.
So many female performers are grinding the air with hardly any clothes on.... and they have such young influential audiences.
Then people will question why so many  youths are engaging in sexual activities much earlier than times past.  Hello, that seems like a no brainer !
This past Sunday I watched the American Music Awards. Rhinna hardly had any clothes on,  Christina Aguilera hardly had any clothes on, Katy Perry rocked a Red Hot Cat suit !!!
All I know is now that childhood is so very brief, and the kids today don't stand a chance at enjoying it; when they are constantly seeing what should be adult images and situations.
We all know.. Sex Sells ... But can we stop selling it to the kids!

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